What is Earthing? Reconnecting with Earth's Energy

by Stacy Facko



The modern lifestyle has revolutionized how we live, but it has also quietly distanced us from the natural energy sources we evolved with. One such overlooked source? The Earth itself.

Research suggests that direct contact with Earth's surface—often called "earthing" or "grounding"—can significantly benefit our health and well-being. From the natural electromagnetic waves created by lightning strikes to the flow of electrons into our bodies, Earth’s energy might just be the key to better health. Let's explore how this connection works and why it matters.

Understanding the Schumann Resonance

Before we discuss grounding practices, it’s important to understand the science behind Earth’s frequencies. The Schumann resonance refers to standing electromagnetic waves generated within Earth’s atmosphere, caused by lightning strikes. These waves resonate at an average frequency of 7.83 Hz, traveling around the Earth at the speed of light.

Interestingly, scientists have found a connection between the Schumann resonance and human brainwaves. For example, alpha brainwaves, which align with a calm and meditative state, resonate at similar frequencies. Many researchers believe this is no coincidence and suggest that life on Earth has co-evolved with these natural electromagnetic frequencies over millions of years. However, the state of evolutionary science cannot explain how these frequencies were used throughout evolution. 

Whether we’re aware of it or not, standing on Earth’s surface exposes us to this natural resonance—a subtle but vital energy that might play an essential role in human biology.

The Benefits of Earthing and its Impact on Health

When we lose direct contact with the Earth's surface, such as by wearing insulated shoes and spending most of our time indoors, we may unknowingly forfeit a powerful source of health benefits. Grounding research has uncovered surprising connections between Earth’s natural energy and key physiological benefits:

1. Anti-inflammatory Effects

Electrons from Earth act as natural antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals that contribute to chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is linked to many modern illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. Reconnecting to Earth through grounding may reduce inflammation and help prevent these conditions.

Studies have indeed shown huge reductions in inflammation. One study used high-resolution medical infrared imaging to detect the extent to which grounding to the Earth improved markers of inflammation and symptoms. 

2. Stress and Sleep Improvement

Grounding has been shown to lower stress levels by reducing cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. This, in turn, can improve sleep quality—allowing the body to restore itself more effectively during rest. One study found that participants experienced normalization of the day–night cortisol rhythms in subjects who were grounded by
sleeping on a conductive pad connected to a grounding rod inserted into soil. The authors reported that the results showed that grounding could resynchronize cortisol hormone secretion to become more aligned with the circadian rhythm, explaining why subjects experienced reduced pain, stress, and sleep disturbances throughout the 8-week study. 

3. Immune System Support

Researchers believe that our immune systems evolved through continuous contact with the Earth’s surface. The influx of electrons could help fortify the body’s defense mechanisms, potentially leading to better overall immunity and faster recovery from illness or injury. A 2015 study on the effect of grounding on immune factors, discovered that subjects undergoing earthing treatment had improved recovery from ROS damage. They write that: "The fact that the grounded subjects had fewer circulating neutrophils and lymphocytes could indicate that the original damage resolved more quickly, collateral damage reduced, and the recovery process accelerated." 

4. Better Glucose and Thyroid Regulation

Preliminary evidence suggests that grounding may positively affect glucose metabolism and thyroid function. While more studies are needed, the potential for these benefits adds to the growing interest in earthing as a therapeutic tool.

5. Improved Blood Flow and Electrical Zeta Potential

A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine examined the effects of earthing on cardiovascular risk factors. They found that 2 hours of grounding had significant reduction in blood viscosity, lower red blood cell clumping together, and greater zeta potential. The authors write that: 

"Grounding appears to be one of the simplest and yet most profound interventions for helping reduce cardiovascular risk and cardiovascular events"

Practical Tips for Incorporating Grounding

Integrating grounding into your life can be as simple as taking off your shoes and stepping outside. Here are some effective ways to reconnect with Earth’s natural energy:

1. Go Barefoot Outdoors

Walking barefoot in grass, sand, or dirt is one of the easiest and most effective ways to ground yourself. Just 30 minutes a day could bring noticeable benefits, such as reduced pain and a sense of calm.

2. Use Grounding Products

For those who have limited outdoor access, grounding mats, patches, or conductive chairs provide practical indoor grounding options. These devices are designed to mimic the electrical conductivity of direct Earth contact. Make sure you test them with products like this tester: Tester for Grounding Products

3. Try Conductive Footwear

Some companies offer conductive shoes, allowing wearers to stay grounded while navigating urban environments. This innovation helps bridge the gap between the modern lifestyle and our biological need for Earth connection. Many companies have produced conductive straps that can be placed inside shows to ground without being barefoot. See here: Grounding shoe straps. 

4. Grounding in Clinics

Clinicians are increasingly incorporating grounding into therapeutic practices. For example, some use grounding mats on treatment tables, which not only benefit the patient but also reduce energy burnout among healthcare providers. Home devices can be purchased, such as the BEMER (Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation) device, which was invented by Dr. Rainier Christian Klopp. The device emits a patented low frequency signal proven to improve blood flow in healthy muscles, local blood flow circulation within the muscle tissue , thereby improving nutrient and oxygen delivery, and improved handling of metabolic waste byproducts.  

The Connection Between Footwear and Immunity

It’s worth noting a fascinating theory asserted by researchers studying grounding. The adoption of insulated footwear—prevalent since the 1950s—may have inadvertently disrupted our connection to Earth’s healing energy. Could this have contributed to the rise of chronic inflammatory diseases? While the exact answer remains unclear, the evidence supporting grounding as a vital health practice keeps growing.

Future of Grounding Research

Grounding is still a relatively young field of study, but the research so far has demonstrated compelling health benefits. Scientists continue exploring earthing’s potential to improve human physiology, especially its ability to:

  • Decrease oxidative stress
  • Alleviate chronic pain
  • Accelerate wound healing
  • Enhance physical energy levels

Given these promising results, grounding offers exciting prospects for both preventative care and treatment strategies. It also highlights a deeper connection between humans and the environment—a relationship modern lifestyles have largely overlooked.

Final Thoughts

In a world filled with artificial comforts, grounding serves as a reminder of nature’s healing power. By reconnecting with Earth’s energy, we can potentially alleviate chronic inflammation, combat stress, support our immune systems, and realign ourselves with a primal health resource that’s always been available to us.

Are you ready to take that step? Simply walk barefoot outdoors, explore grounding products, or consult with health practitioners who incorporate grounding sessions into their treatments.

The Earth is more than our home—it may be one of the most accessible and effective tools for achieving optimal health. All you need to do is stay grounded



Brown, D., Chevalier, G., & Hill, M. (2010). Pilot study on the effect of grounding on delayed-onset muscle soreness. The Journal of Alternative and complementary Medicine, 16(3), 265-273.

Chevalier, G., Sinatra, S. T., Oschman, J. L., & Delany, R. M. (2013). Earthing (grounding) the human body reduces blood viscosity—a major factor in cardiovascular disease. The journal of alternative and complementary medicine, 19(2), 102-110.

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