This Antioxidant Enzyme is Part of Every Animal’s Defense Against Free Radicals

Superoxide Dimutase (SOD) is a mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme produced throughout the plant and animal kingdoms to assist organisms in resisting oxidative stress. The body hosts a number of oxidative processes, and can handle a certain amount. When it is overwhelmed, lipid membranes can be damaged, triggering a cascade of biomolecular events and toxic metabolites. Antioxidants like glutathione work to prevent oxidation by products by donating electrons to them, and antioxidant enzymes like SOD work to neutralize the superoxide anions, taking the positively charged O2 and turning it into H2O2, releasing oxygen in the process. The enzyme catalase is critical for detoxifying this H2O2, and must work with SOD to remove it.
Top Ways to Naturally Boost SOD Activity
- Curcumin
One study found that supplementing fruit flies with the curcumin increased expression of genes related to SOD, increasing their lifespan significantly.
- Copper and Zinc
Being critical elements in the formation of SOD, supplementing with copper and zinc in the right combination, either through powder or naturally through diet, can notably improve SOD activity. Animal studies have found that SOD enzyme activity was higher in animals receiving copper and zinc, and that these animals experienced inhibited atherogenesis (3). Zinc and copper are needed to reduce the hydrogen peroxide and consequently the potential lipid peroxidation.
- Sprouted Wheat/ Gliadin
Human studies have found that supplementation with SOD/Gliadin protects against oxidative DNA damage. One double-blind, placebo controlled study found that SOD supplementation in the form of a combination of SOD and wheat gliadin significantly reduced the oxidative damage caused by hyperbaric oxygen treatment (4).
- Manganese
One of the isoforms of SOD, besides the Zinc-Copper SOD, is manganese dependent SOD. Manganese supplementation has been shown in human studies to reduce ROS, and animals studies show its ability to lower risks of diabetes. Even low concentrations of manganese have been found to have antioxidant effects, and animals deficient in Mn were found to have reduced SOD activity (5).
Keeping your dietary intake of these nutrients can greatly improve your SOD levels and the homeostasis of redox reactions in the body. It is imporant to also reduce exposure to free radicals and other toxins that use up or disable SOD activity. Research has shown that the mineral Iron, for example, completely inactivates the manganese form of SOD. By avoiding unecessary amounts of Iron, such as from cookware, cereals, and other unnatural forms of this and other heavy metals, can improve SOD activity further.
Recommended Supplements
Zinc (15-25mg per day): Zinc Bisglycinate by Dr. Clark Store
Copper (4-6mg per day): Thorne Copper Bisglycinate
SOD/Gliadin: SuperSMart SOD-Gliadins Complex
Manganese: Dr. Clark Store’s Heavy Metal Support (348% manganese + zinc)
Stephenie, S., Chang, Y. P., Gnanasekaran, A., Esa, N. M., & Gnanaraj, C. (2020). An insight on superoxide dismutase (SOD) from plants for mammalian health enhancement. Journal of Functional Foods, 68, 103917.
Muth CM, Glenz Y, Klaus M, et al. Influence of an orally effective SOD on hyperbaric oxygen-related cell damage. Free Radic Res. 2004 Sep;38(9):927-32.
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