Help is on the way!

We have recently decided to change the way you can access help from a healthcare professional. We have discontinued our fee-based consultation service with a Naturopathic Doctor, but would still like to offer you some guidance in your quest to get the help you need.
We realize that it can be an overwhelming task to implement lifestyle changes on your own and that following Dr. Clark protocols sometimes requires extra assistance. Below are a few links for your reference. Please keep in mind that due to FDA regulations, we cannot answer any medical related questions nor can we dispense medical advice.
Please feel free to call us at 866-DR-CLARK (372-5275) should you need additional help. You can find all our contact information, including opening hours here.
Since we are routinely asked where to find professionals who can answer Dr. Clark related questions of a medical nature, we have kept track of where to find help centered on clean lifestyles and adhering to Dr. Clark protocols. Some of the individuals on our list of healthcare professionals may not have traditional medical degrees. What they do have in common, however, is that they offer their help to you, covering a wide area of expertise, including lifestyle coaching, nutritional counseling, herbal medicine, alternative health methods, and natural dentistry.
Please click on the link below to download our complete list of individuals active in providing services in their field. You will notice a pop-up disclaimer, once you acknowledge that you read it you will get a PDF document with the complete list.
If you are a health professional who would like to be added to our list, please email your interest to